Book Publications
The B. F. Skinner Foundation keeps books by B. F. Skinner in print. This is important because it enables you to hear Skinner’s voice, understand his ideas, and appreciate his influence in the purest form, without any distortions. Recently, we launched a new Skinner for the 21st Century series.

Each quarter, the Foundation sends its magazine, Operants, to subscribers at no cost. This publication provides information on current work, interviews of professionals in the United States and elsewhere, analyses of important articles and topics, and a brief description of Foundation activities. It is written in an informal journalistic style to be as interesting, as possible.

The Foundation website is the primary resource for information about Skinner and his work. The Community section of the website serves as a location to connect individuals from around the world to interact with Foundation personnel or other behavioral scientists. The Community features exclusive multimedia content produced for the members.

Archival Work
The B. F. Skinner Foundation is in the possession of Skinner’s manuscripts, scientific instruments, personal items, as well as videos, audio files, and pictures. We are working on preserving and cataloguing all items to make them accessible to researchers and general public.

The B. F. Skinner Foundation is a charitable 501(c) (3) organization, EIN 42-1325722. Contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes.