Skinner Session is Sponsored By:

The B. F. Skinner Foundation invites you to join our third Skinner Session hosted through BehaviorLive on May 4, 2024 from 12:00pm-3:00pm PST / 2:00pm-5:00pm CT / 3:00pm- 6:00pm EST. This is a continued education event where behavior analysts can earn up to 3 CEUs.

Our third Skinner Session celebrates the release of our new edition of Reflections on Behaviorism and Society: Extended Edition. This event features Dr. Joe Layng, who will speak on reflections on teaching and Dr. Thom Ratkos who will speak on reflections on government. This event is designed for BCaBAs, BCBAs, and BCBA-Ds as well as students of, and all people interested in behavior analysis. Attendance will be taken via the BehaviorLive system.
A panel discussion will be held immediately after the lecture. Our speakers will join our panelists, Dr. Julie Vargas, Dr. Carl Sundberg, David Roth, and Dr. David Palmer. A brief overview on Reflections on Behaviorism and Society: Extended Edition will be given by Dr. Palmer followed by questions and answers from the panelists.

The price for each session is $10 ($30 for all three sessions). All proceeds benefit the B. F. Skinner Foundation and donations are welcome.
There are also exclusive sponsorship opportunities for this event. For more details about this event and sponsor opportunities please visit the BehaviorLive website. Thank you as always for being part of the B. F. Skinner Foundation community where we believe in Better Behavioral Science for a More Humane World.