March 20th is the birthday of B. F. Skinner. To celebrate, we are offering a PDF copy of Verbal Behavior: Extended Edition, one of Skinner’s most widely read books, complementary* for 24 hours only. For the entire day of March 20th, 2023 only, Verbal Behavior: Extended Edition in PDF format is yours to download at no charge from The PDF of Verbal Behavior Study Guide, offered exclusively through the Foundation, is also included.
*PDF version of Verbal Behavior: Extended Edition is a Name-Your-Price product. The minimum price for the limited time is set at $0. The amount you actually pay is up to you. 100% of proceeds benefit the B. F. Skinner Foundation.

From the archives: In the spring of 1910, six-year old Skinner (left) enjoys an outing in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, with his mother, father, and his younger brother in the first family car.