Due to limited availability, we request that you cancel at least 10 business days before a scheduled tour. This gives us an opportunity to fill the event. All cancellation requests must be made in writing and emailed to support@bfskinner.org. An 85% refund will be granted when the cancellation request is received 10 business days prior to the scheduled event. Advance notice is preferred. If a written cancellation request is not received by 10 or more business days prior to the event, the registrant will be liable for the entirety of the registration fee, regardless of attendance or absence from the scheduled tour. At any time, you are welcome to send an alternate to the event in your place. Please notify us of the substitute at support@bfskinner.org.
BFSF reserves the right to cancel an event, at its sole discretion, due to low attendance or other unforeseen circumstances. In this case, we will notify you via the email address and/or telephone number provided at registration at least 5 business days before a scheduled tour and BFSF will refund all registration fees.
BFSF reserves the right to substitute presenters due to unanticipated situations.