On January 4, 2016, the B. F. Skinner Foundation launched a new project – Skinner’s Quote of the Day. Quotes from B. F. Skinner’s works, selected by renowned scientists, appear daily Monday-Friday in order, starting with Chapter 1 of each book and running all the way through the last chapter. We started with the Science and Human Behavior (January-December 2916), followed by About Behaviorism (January-November 2017), Contingencies of Reinforcement (January-October 2018), Recent Issues (October 2018-May 2019), Reflections on Behaviorism and Society (May 2019-February 2020), and now moving on to Upon Further Reflection (from February 10 2020).

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Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 24

"Much remains to be done, and it will be done more rapidly when the role of the environment takes its proper place in competition with the apparent evidences of an…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 24

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 23

"The role of the environment has become clearer in the present century. Its selective action in evolution has been examined by the ethologists, and a similar selective action during the…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 23

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 21

"The science I am discussing is the investigation of the relation between behavior and the environment—on the one hand, the environment in which the species evolved and which is responsible…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 21

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 18

"... Louis Pasteur, was responsible for a dramatic test of the theory of spontaneous generation, and I suggest that the spontaneous generation of behavior in the guise of ideas and…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 18

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 17

"The success of [the struggle for freedom], though it is not yet complete, is one of man’s great achievements, and no sensible person would challenge it. Unfortunately, one of its…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 17

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 16

"... if the credit due a person is infringed by evidence of the conditions of which his behavior is a function, then a scientific analysis appears to be an attack…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 16

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 14

"Many years ago I suggested that the letters CNS could be said to stand, not for the central nervous system, but for the conceptual nervous system." (p. 74)

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 14

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 13

"Even when helpful, an observed or hypothetical inner determiner is no explanation of behavior until it has itself been explained, and the fascination with an inner life has allayed curiosity…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 13

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 12

"To put it crudely, introspection cannot be very relevant or comprehensive because the human organism does not have nerves going to the right places." (pp. 72-73)

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 12

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 11

"The verbal community which teaches us to make distinctions among things in the world around us lacks the information it needs to teach us to distinguish events in our private…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 11

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 10

"... I am not willing to give introspection much of a toehold ... , for there are two important reasons why we do not discriminate precisely among our feelings and…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 10

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 9

"I welcome the view, clearly gaining in favor among psychologists and physiologists and by no means a stranger to philosophy, that what we introspectively observe, as well as feel, are…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 9

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 8

"In short, the bodily conditions we feel are collateral products of our genetic and environmental histories. They have no explanatory force; they are simply additional facts to be taken into…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 8

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 6

"Very little biology is handicapped by the fact that the biologist is himself a specimen of the thing he is studying, but that part of the science with which we…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 6

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 5

"There will be certain temporal gaps in such an analysis [of behavior in terms of contingencies of reinforcement]. The behavior and the conditions of which it is a function do…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 5

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 4

"[We do not] need to consider anatomy and physiology in order to see how the behavior of the individual is changed by his exposure to contingencies of reinforcement during his…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 4

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 3

"We know something about the chemical and electrical effects of the nervous system and the location of many of its functions, but the events that actually underlie a single instance…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 3

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 2

"I must begin by saying what I take a science of behavior to be. It is, I assume, part of biology. The organism that behaves is the organism that breathes,…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 6: The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior. Quote 2

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 5: Walden Two Revisited. Quote 7

"In an experimental community contingencies of reinforcement which encourage unnecessary spending can be corrected. As for pollution, small communities are optimal for recycling materials and avoiding wasteful methods of distribution."…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 5: Walden Two Revisited. Quote 7

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 5: Walden Two Revisited. Quote 2

"In anthropology, sociology, and psychology the preferred formulations are those that do not dictate action. A thoroughgoing developmentalism, for example, almost denies the possibility of effective action." (p. 59)

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 5: Walden Two Revisited. Quote 2

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 4: Humanism and Behaviorism. Quote 7

"What distinguishes the human species . . . is the development of a culture, a social environment that contains the contingencies generating self-knowledge and self-control. It is this environment that…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 4: Humanism and Behaviorism. Quote 7