Upon Further Reflection. Chapter 9:How to Discover What You Have to Say: A Talk to Students. Quote 17
"The best reason for liking what you have written is that it says what you have to say." (p. 138)
On January 4, 2016, the B. F. Skinner Foundation launched a new project – Skinner’s Quote of the Day. Quotes from B. F. Skinner’s works, selected by renowned scientists, appear daily Monday-Friday in order, starting with Chapter 1 of each book and running all the way through the last chapter. We started with the Science and Human Behavior (January-December 2916), followed by About Behaviorism (January-November 2017), Contingencies of Reinforcement (January-October 2018), Recent Issues (October 2018-May 2019), Reflections on Behaviorism and Society (May 2019-February 2020), and now moving on to Upon Further Reflection (from February 10 2020).
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"The best reason for liking what you have written is that it says what you have to say." (p. 138)
"Suppose you are at your desk two hours a day and produce on the average 50 words an hour. That is not much, but it is about 35,000 words a…
"For years, an electric clock on my desk ran only when the light was on, and I added a point to a cumulative record whenever the clock completed twelve hours.…
"The great generalized reinforcer, money, is usually poorly contingent upon behavior at your desk. It controls too effectively when a writer begins to write only the kinds of things that…
"The results [of aversive control] are not always bad. Many famous writers have worked mostly under aversive pressure. Balzac wrote only when he needed money, Dostoevski only in return for…
"A familiar example [of aversive control] is the pause in conversation that must be filled and that leads, too often, to verbal behavior about trivia—the weather, the latest news, what…
" “More than one history in one lifetime leads to multiple selves, no one of which can be said to be the real you. The writer of fiction profits from…
"One of the most widely reprinted and translated papers of mine, “Freedom and the Control of Men,” was first written almost entirely in the form of notes. When I was…
"It may be a mistake to try to do too much [writing] at first . . . It is enough to begin with short sessions, perhaps fifteen minutes a day.…
"As a result of [setting up a nice place to write and always write at the same time of the day], the setting almost automatically evokes verbal behavior. No warm-up…
"It is helpful to write always at the same time of the day. Scheduled obligations often raise problems, but an hour or two can almost always be found in the…
"A convenient place [for writing] is important. It should have all the facilities needed for the execution of writing . . . It should be a pleasant place and should…
"What about drugs? Alcohol? Tobacco? Marijuana? There are authentic cases of their productive effects in poetry and fiction, but very few in which they have had a good effect on…
"What verbal responses “express” are not preverbal ideas, but the past history and present circumstances of the speaker." (p. 132)
"If I have forgotten the key to my house and “it occurs to me” to look under the mat, it is not an idea that has occurred to me but…
"In the last chapter of Verbal Behavior, I argue that thinking is simply behaving, and it may not be too misleading to say that verbal responses do not express ideas…
"Verbal behavior begins almost always in spoken form. Even when we write, we usually speak first, either overtly or covertly. What goes down on paper is then a kind of…
"A culture that is not willing to accept scientific advances in the understanding of human behavior, together with the technology that emerges from these advances, will eventually be replaced by…
"Is our culture . . . at fault? [If so,] what is the next step?" (p. 128)
"Are behavioral scientists . . . at fault? No, a culture too strongly committed to the view that a technology of behavior is a threat to freedom and dignity is…
"Are schools of education and teachers’ colleges . . . at fault? No, they have not been given a theory of behavior that leads to effective teaching." (p. 128)
"Are teachers . . . at fault? No, they have not been properly taught to teach." (p. 128)
"Are students at fault when they do not learn? No, they have not been well taught." (p. 128)
"The report of the National Commission on Excellence in Education repeatedly mistakes causes for effects. It says that “the educational foundations of our society are being eroded by a rising…
"Burnout is usually regarded as the result of abusive treatment by students, but it can be as much the result of looking back upon a day in the classroom and…
"If given a chance, teachers can also be interesting and sympathetic companions. It is a difficult assignment in a classroom in which order is maintained by punitive sanctions." (p. 126)
"Students do not have to be made to study. Reinforcement is enough, and good programming provides it." (p. 126)
"A good program of instruction guarantees a great deal of successful action. Students do not need to have a natural interest in what they are doing, and subject matters do…
"It is characteristic of the human species that successful action is automatically reinforced. The fascination of video games is adequate proof." (p. 125)
"Punitive sanctions still survive, disguised in various ways, but the world is changing, and they are no longer easily imposed." (p. 125)
"For thousands of years students have studied to avoid the consequences of not studying." (p. 125)
“We discover many things in the world around us, and that is usually better than being told about them, but as individuals, we can discover only a small part of…
"At that point [when primes and prompts have been carefully “vanished” until behavior occurs without help] the reinforcing consequences of being right are most effective in building and sustaining an…
"We could double the efficiency of education with one change alone—by letting each student move at his or her own pace." (pp. 123-124)
"By emphasizing the selective action of consequences, . . . the experimental analysis of behavior deals with the creation of behavior precisely as Darwin dealt with the creation of species."…
"Creativity, incidentally, is often said to be beyond a science of behavior, and it would be if that science were a matter of stimulus and response." (p. 123)
"A Solution [to the educational crisis] 1. Be clear about what is to be taught. 2. Teach first things first. 3. Stop making all students advance at…
"More than 300 years ago, Molière wrote a famous line: “I am asked by the learned doctors for the cause and reason why opium puts one to sleep, to which…
"It is said that students should do more than what they have been taught to do. They should be creative. But does it help to say that they must acquire…
"We do not know what [intuition] is, but we can certainly say that no teacher has ever taught it directly, nor has any student ever displayed it without first learning…
"The more words you learn to spell, the easier it is to spell new words, and the more problems you solve in algebra the easier it is to solve new…
"Psychological theories come into the hands of teachers through schools of education and teachers’ colleges, and it is there, I think, that we must lay the major blame for what…
"Cognitive psychology is Old Home Week. We are back among friends speaking the language we spoke when we were growing up. We can talk about love and will and ideas…
"Cognitive psychology is frequently presented as a revolt against behaviorism, but it is not a revolt, it is a retreat." (p. 120)
"There is a sense of profundity about “cognitive deficits,” but it does not take us any deeper into the subject." (p. 118)
"The word cognitive is sprinkled through the psychological literature like salt—and, like salt, not so much for any flavor of its own as to bring out the flavor of other…
"Humanistic psychologists, for example, feel threatened by any kind of scientific analysis of human behavior, particularly if it leads to a “technology” that can be used to intervene in people’s…
"I liked the Roanoke experiment because it confirmed something I had said a few years earlier to the effect that with teaching machines and programmed instruction one could teach what…
"Let us bring behaviorism back from the Devil’s Island to which it was transported for a crime it never committed, and let psychology become once again a behavioral science." (p.…
"I accuse cognitive scientists of relaxing standards of definition and logical thinking and releasing a flood of speculation characteristic of metaphysics, literature, and daily intercourse, speculation perhaps suitable enough in…