On January 4, 2016, the B. F. Skinner Foundation launched a new project – Skinner’s Quote of the Day. Quotes from B. F. Skinner’s works, selected by renowned scientists, appear daily Monday-Friday in order, starting with Chapter 1 of each book and running all the way through the last chapter. We started with the Science and Human Behavior (January-December 2916), followed by About Behaviorism (January-November 2017), Contingencies of Reinforcement (January-October 2018), Recent Issues (October 2018-May 2019), Reflections on Behaviorism and Society (May 2019-February 2020), and now moving on to Upon Further Reflection (from February 10 2020).

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Upon Further Reflection. Chapter 11:Can the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Rescue Psychology?. Quote 10

Pavlov’s dog is said to have associated the bell and the food, but as I have pointed out, it was Pavlov who associated them, that is, who put them together…

Continue ReadingUpon Further Reflection. Chapter 11:Can the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Rescue Psychology?. Quote 10

Upon Further Reflection. Chapter 11:Can the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Rescue Psychology?. Quote 9

Another source of misunderstanding of the relation between operant conditioning and natural selection is the strong inclination to look inside a system to see what makes it tick. Those who…

Continue ReadingUpon Further Reflection. Chapter 11:Can the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Rescue Psychology?. Quote 9

Upon Further Reflection. Chapter 11:Can the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Rescue Psychology?. Quote 8

Several writers have recently implied that organisms may have been sensitive to an increase in the mere probability of reinforcement when no reinforcer is immediately contingent upon a response. I…

Continue ReadingUpon Further Reflection. Chapter 11:Can the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Rescue Psychology?. Quote 8

Upon Further Reflection. Chapter 11:Can the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Rescue Psychology?. Quote 6

I see no reason why there should not be a drift toward phylogenic behavior [in experiments on superstition]. It would be something like the Breland Effect unopposed by operant contingencies.…

Continue ReadingUpon Further Reflection. Chapter 11:Can the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Rescue Psychology?. Quote 6

Upon Further Reflection. Chapter 11:Can the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Rescue Psychology?. Quote 5

I am quite sure of my original observation [of “superstition in the pigeon”]. I have repeated it many times, often as a surefire lecture demonstration. Deliver food every twenty seconds…

Continue ReadingUpon Further Reflection. Chapter 11:Can the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Rescue Psychology?. Quote 5

Upon Further Reflection. Chapter 11:Can the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Rescue Psychology?. Quote 4

The effect of an accidentally contingent reinforcer offers some of the best evidence of the power of operant conditioning, and possibly for that reason it has been challenged—as, for example,…

Continue ReadingUpon Further Reflection. Chapter 11:Can the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Rescue Psychology?. Quote 4

Upon Further Reflection. Chapter 11:Can the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Rescue Psychology?. Quote 3

When Keller Breland first told the Harvard “Pigeon Staff” about [the “Breland Effect”] in 1960, we were impressed. Contrary to certain claims, we were far from ‘disturbed.’ (p. 163)

Continue ReadingUpon Further Reflection. Chapter 11:Can the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Rescue Psychology?. Quote 3

Upon Further Reflection. Chapter 11:Can the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Rescue Psychology?. Quote 2

The experimental analysis of behavior . . . is steadily building upon its past and proceeding in a reasonably ordered way to embrace more and more of what people are…

Continue ReadingUpon Further Reflection. Chapter 11:Can the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Rescue Psychology?. Quote 2

Upon Further Reflection. Chapter 9:How to Discover What You Have to Say: A Talk to Students. Quote 19

"I once used E. G. Boring’s The Physical Dimensions of Consciousness as an instrument of self-management. I disagreed so violently with the author’s position that after reading a page or…

Continue ReadingUpon Further Reflection. Chapter 9:How to Discover What You Have to Say: A Talk to Students. Quote 19