On January 4, 2016, the B. F. Skinner Foundation launched a new project – Skinner’s Quote of the Day. Quotes from B. F. Skinner’s works, selected by renowned scientists, appear daily Monday-Friday in order, starting with Chapter 1 of each book and running all the way through the last chapter. We started with the Science and Human Behavior (January-December 2916), followed by About Behaviorism (January-November 2017), Contingencies of Reinforcement (January-October 2018), Recent Issues (October 2018-May 2019), Reflections on Behaviorism and Society (May 2019-February 2020), and now moving on to Upon Further Reflection (from February 10 2020).

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Cumulative Record. Chapter 18: A Critique of Psychoanalytic Concepts and Theories. Quote 1

Freud demonstrated that many features of behavior hitherto unexplained—and often dismissed as hopelessly complex or obscure—could be shown to be the product of circumstances in the history of the individual.…

Continue ReadingCumulative Record. Chapter 18: A Critique of Psychoanalytic Concepts and Theories. Quote 1

Cumulative Record. Chapter 15: Reflections on a Decade of Teaching Machines. Quote 14

Appropriate terminal schedules of reinforcement will maintain the student’s interest, make him industrious and persevering, stimulate his curiosity, and so on; but less demanding schedules, carefully designed to maintain the…

Continue ReadingCumulative Record. Chapter 15: Reflections on a Decade of Teaching Machines. Quote 14

Cumulative Record. Chapter 15: Reflections on a Decade of Teaching Machines. Quote 11

Contrary to frequent assertions, a behavioristic formulation of human behavior is not a crude positivism which rejects mental processes because they are not accessible to the scientific public. (p. 247)

Continue ReadingCumulative Record. Chapter 15: Reflections on a Decade of Teaching Machines. Quote 11

Cumulative Record. Chapter 15: Reflections on a Decade of Teaching Machines. Quote 10

Perhaps we could answer by redefining traditional goals: Instead of imparting knowledge, we could undertake to bring about those changes in behavior which are said to be the conspicuous manifestations…

Continue ReadingCumulative Record. Chapter 15: Reflections on a Decade of Teaching Machines. Quote 10

Cumulative Record. Chapter 15: Reflections on a Decade of Teaching Machines. Quote 6

The teacher begins with whatever behavior the student brings to the instructional situation; by selective reinforcement, he changes that behavior so that a given terminal performance is more and more…

Continue ReadingCumulative Record. Chapter 15: Reflections on a Decade of Teaching Machines. Quote 6

Cumulative Record. Chapter 15: Reflections on a Decade of Teaching Machines. Quote 5

An important contribution has been the so-called “programing” of knowledge and skills —the construction of carefully arranged sequences of contingencies leading to the terminal performances which are the object of…

Continue ReadingCumulative Record. Chapter 15: Reflections on a Decade of Teaching Machines. Quote 5

Cumulative Record. Chapter 15: Reflections on a Decade of Teaching Machines. Quote 3

The growing effectiveness of an experimental analysis is still not widely recognized, even within the behavioral sciences themselves, but the implications of some of its achievements for education can no…

Continue ReadingCumulative Record. Chapter 15: Reflections on a Decade of Teaching Machines. Quote 3