Science and Human Behavior, Chapter 6: Shaping and Maintaining Operant Behavior, Quote 13

"Under ratios of reinforcement which can be sustained, the behavior eventually shows a very low probability just after reinforcement, as it does in the case of fixed-interval reinforcement." (p. 103)…

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Science and Human Behavior, Chapter 6: Shaping and Maintaining Operant Behavior, Quote 11

"Since [intermittent reinforcement] is a technique for “getting more responses out of an organism” in return for a given number of reinforcements, it is widely used." (pp 99-100) Subscribe to…

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Science and Human Behavior, Chapter 6: Shaping and Maintaining Operant Behavior, Quote 4

"The traditional explanation of transfer asserts that the second response is strengthened only insofar as the responses "possess identical elements." This is an effort to maintain the notion of a…

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Science and Human Behavior, Chapter 4: Reflexes and Conditioned Reflexes, Quote 5

"[Respondent] conditioning adds new controlling stimuli, but not new responses. In using the principle, therefore, we are not subscribing to a “conditioned reflex theory” of all behavior. (p. 56) Subscribe…

Continue ReadingScience and Human Behavior, Chapter 4: Reflexes and Conditioned Reflexes, Quote 5