Contingencies of Reinforcement. Chapter 9: The inside story. Quote 8

"We can predict and control behavior without knowing how our dependent and independent variables are connected. Physiological discoveries cannot disprove an experimental analysis or invalidate its technological advances." (p. 283)…

Continue ReadingContingencies of Reinforcement. Chapter 9: The inside story. Quote 8

Contingencies of Reinforcement. Chapter 7: The Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Behavior. Quote 15

"If, through evolutionary selection, a given response becomes easier and easier to condition as an operant, then some phylogenic behavior may have had an ontogenic origin." (pp. 203-204)   Subscribe…

Continue ReadingContingencies of Reinforcement. Chapter 7: The Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Behavior. Quote 15

Contingencies of Reinforcement. Chapter 7: The Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Behavior. Quote 14

"Is a chimpanzee learning binary arithmetic in a laboratory (45) showing chimpanzee or human behavior? The chimpanzees who “manned” early satellites were conditioned under complex contingencies of reinforcement, and their…

Continue ReadingContingencies of Reinforcement. Chapter 7: The Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Behavior. Quote 14

Contingencies of Reinforcement. Chapter 7: The Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Behavior. Quote 13

"The basic issue is not whether behavior is instinctive or learned, as if these adjectives described essences, but whether we have correctly identified the variables responsible for the provenance of…

Continue ReadingContingencies of Reinforcement. Chapter 7: The Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Behavior. Quote 13

Contingencies of Reinforcement. Chapter 7: The Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Behavior. Quote 12

"The basic issue is not whether behavior is instinctive or learned, as if these adjectives described essences, but whether we have correctly identified the variables responsible for the provenance of…

Continue ReadingContingencies of Reinforcement. Chapter 7: The Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Behavior. Quote 12

Contingencies of Reinforcement. Chapter 7: The Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Behavior. Quote 11

"The vocal responses in the human child which are so easily shaped by operant reinforcement are not controlled by specific releasers. It was the development of an undifferentiated vocal repertoire…

Continue ReadingContingencies of Reinforcement. Chapter 7: The Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Behavior. Quote 11