Recent Issues. Chapter 12: The Behavior of Organisms at Fifty. Quote 29
"How are we to stop exhausting our resources, polluting the environment, and bearing too many children, and how are we to prevent nuclear holocaust? How, in short, are we to…
"How are we to stop exhausting our resources, polluting the environment, and bearing too many children, and how are we to prevent nuclear holocaust? How, in short, are we to…
The Technology of Teaching is published in Italian.
"Operant conditioners are said to be insular. They read each other’s papers and books, but few of those written by other psychologists. That favor is reciprocated. The trouble may have…
"I have not yet mentioned the most important by-product of The Behavior of Organisms—the work done by others using the same procedures according to much the same analysis . .…
"What one felt or introspected was not a “feeling” or a “thought” but a state of one’s body, and one came to talk about it only under certain verbal contingencies…
"How do we learn to talk about private events? Most of the first paragraph of Watson’s manifesto was an attack on introspection. Data obtained through introspection, said Watson, were not…
"Project Pigeon demonstrated my point about statistics beautifully. You cannot put the “average pigeon” into a missile. It must be one real pigeon, and it must behave precisely in a…
"Although I had said, “Let him extrapolate who will,” I was soon extrapolating." (p. 131)
"Unfortunately, I decided to use reflex as the word for any unit of behavior. In doing so, I no doubt contributed to the fact that you will still find a…
"A reflex was traditionally said to be “elicited” in the etymological sense of “drawn out.” Operant behavior was different, and I tried to emphasize the difference by saying that it…
"In spite of my insistence that behavior should be studied as a function of external variables apart from any reference to mental or physiological states or processes, I was not…
"We can predict and control behavior without knowing anything about what is happening inside. A complete account will nevertheless require the joint action of both [behavior and brain] sciences, each…
"I am afraid my argument that behavior should be recognized as a subject matter in its own right has been misunderstood. I have never questioned the importance of physiology or…
"It is often said . . . that Pavlov’s dog associated the bell with food but, as I have often pointed out, it was Pavlov who associated them in the…
"The light could have been called a cue or clue, of course, and cognitive psychologists, if there had been any, might have said that it conveyed information about when to…
"When a response was reinforced only in the presence of the light as an S Dee, the rat responded slowly in its absence (which, unfortunately, I called S Delta, hard…
"The effect of punishment, however, seems reasonably well explained in [The Behavior of Organisms]. When a response is followed by, say, a shock, an emotional reaction to the shock is…
"If we define a positive reinforcer as a stimulus that strengthens behavior when presented and a negative reinforcer as one that strengthens when removed, then punishment consists of presenting a…
"Many textbooks in psychology continue to describe operant conditioning as trial-and-error learning . . . The organism need not be trying to do anything. Many of the things Thorndike’s cats…
"I had unwittingly conditioned the sound of the dispenser as a reinforcer. When that was done, a single reinforcement was enough to condition pressing the lever as an operant. There…
"What remained to be done in a science of behavior seemed clear. I should look for other independent variables and observe their effects." (p. 125
"An operant was a kind of behavioral atom. True, I could take pressing a lever apart by extinguishing its parts separately (The Behavior of Organisms, 1938, p. 102), but even…
"In 1935 I published a paper called The Generic Nature of the Concepts of Stimulus and Response in which I argued that a reflex was not something that could be…
"Rate of responding was also more useful as a measure because it could be said to show the probability that a response would be made at a given time. Nothing…
"Rate of responding has proved, in fact, to be a highly useful dependent variable. In a later paper I could report that it varied usefully over a range of at…
"... Pavlov (1927) could make a dog salivate, and that was control. Reflexes, however, were the behavior of only parts of an organism. Like Loeb I wanted to study the…
"Watson’s famous manifesto (1913) begins: “Psychology as the behaviorist views it is a purely objective experimental branch of natural science. Its theoretical goal is the prediction and control of behavior.”…
"I don’t believe I coined the term radical behaviorism, but when asked what I mean by it, I have always said, “the philosophy of a science of behavior treated as…
"Later I bought Russell’s Philosophy (1927), in which he treated a few mentalistic terms in a behavioristic way. Although I had never had a course in psychology, I became an…
" I bought Watson’s book and liked its campaigning style." (p. 121)
"Those who are unhappy about scientific solutions sometimes assure us that we shall solve our problems in other ways when they are bad enough, when the immediate consequences are no…
"Designs must be put into effect, and only by those who can do so effectively. That means governments, religions, and economic enterprises, which control most of the conditions under which…
"When I wrote [Beyond Freedom and Dignity] I thought that we could correct for the weakness of remote consequences simply by creating current surrogates to serve in their place .…
"Although the controlled use of fire may contribute to the survival of the culture of which it is a part, that consequence is too remote to reinforce the behavior of…
"The origin and transmission of a cultural practice are thus plausibly explained as the joint product of natural selection and operant conditioning. A culture, however, is the set of practices…
"When one animal imitates another, for example, it sometimes profits from the consequences of what the other is doing. The advantages are felt in both natural selection and operant conditioning,…
"Operant conditioning, too, has its limitations. It greatly extends the range of behavior, but it also prepares only for a future that resembles the selecting past. Moreover, only a small…
"Both natural selection and operant conditioning have been slow to make their way as scientific explanations because they conflict with well-established views. Selection replaces purpose, for example." (p. 115) (pp.…
"Natural selection prepares an organism only for a future that resembles the selecting past. That is a serious limitation, and to some extent it was corrected by the evolution of…
"Survival is only one kind of selective consequence, however. Most of what we do can be traced to two other kinds ..." (p. 114)
"Who would control human behavior, and who would control the controllers? Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who is to control the authorities? I think that that question can be answered by…
"If people were actually free to do as they pleased, even if only occasionally, a science of behavior was impossible, and some critics dismissed my book out of hand on…
"I differed from both Tolman and Hull by following a strictly Machian line, in which behavior was analyzed as a subject matter in its own right as a function of…
"Data obtained through introspection would not suffice for a science because the privacy made it impossible to learn to introspect them accurately." (p. 110)
"I preferred radical behaviorism, which accepted the existence of private states, but as states of the body, the study of which should be left to physiology." (p. 110)
"In addition to the stimulus, I had called the conditions of which reflex strength was a function “third variables,” but Tolman called them “intervening.” That may have been the point…
"Students pay attention when doing so has reinforcing consequences. Compare a typical classroom with a roomful of bingo players. No one tells bingo players to pay attention, nor are the…
"Some 350 years ago Comenius said, “The more the teacher teaches the less the student learns,” but that is true only if it means “the less the student learns about…
"We do not learn by imitating, however, or because we are told what to do. Consequences must follow." (p. 99)
"Before we can show the child how to tie a knot, he or she must have learned to imitate, and that learning will have taken place through operant conditioning." (p.…