Upon Further Reflection. Chapter 1: Why We Are Not Acting to Save the World. Quote 10

"The theory of evolution is an interpretation, but it is strongly supported by a science in which prediction and control are possible—the science of genetics. The experimental analysis of behavior…

Continue ReadingUpon Further Reflection. Chapter 1: Why We Are Not Acting to Save the World. Quote 10

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 15: Reflections on Meaning and Structure. Quote 2

"The linguist’s “deep structure,” like Freud’s “depth psychology,” is a spatial metaphor which serves several functions. It is useful in referring to the visibility in the determination of behavior. It…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 15: Reflections on Meaning and Structure. Quote 2

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 14: The Force of Coincidence. Quote 4

"The fact that two basic types of superstitious behavior are commonly observed in such an “unintelligent” organism as a pigeon suggests that superstition must have been very widespread before corrective…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 14: The Force of Coincidence. Quote 4

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 14: The Force of Coincidence. Quote 2

"Vulnerability to coincidence must have increased as the process of operant conditioning accelerated, and when a single instance of response-and-consequence began to work a significant change, various kinds of superstitious…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 14: The Force of Coincidence. Quote 2

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 13: The Shaping of Phylogenic Behavior. Quote 1

"Contingencies of reinforcement which shape ontogenic behavior can be arranged and studied in the laboratory. Most of the contingencies of survival responsible for phylogenic behavior observed in the field are…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 13: The Shaping of Phylogenic Behavior. Quote 1

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 12: Designing Higher Education. Quote 1

"The experimental analysis of behavior is concerned with the contingent relations which prevail among three things—the situation in which behavior occurs, the behavior itself, and its rewarding or reinforcing consequences."…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 12: Designing Higher Education. Quote 1

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 10: Some Implications of Making Education More Efficient. Quote 3

"Individualized treatment removes the greatest source of inefficiency in traditional instruction—the requirement that large numbers of students advance at the same speed, which is almost necessarily the wrong speed for…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 10: Some Implications of Making Education More Efficient. Quote 3

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 10: Some Implications of Making Education More Efficient. Quote 1

"What has come to be called the “experimental analysis of behavior” has already given rise to an effective technology of teaching, although it is not yet widely known or used."…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 10: Some Implications of Making Education More Efficient. Quote 1

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 9: The Experimental Analysis of Behavior (A History). Quote 5

"I am, of course, a radical rather than a methodological behaviorist. I do not believe that there is a world of mentation or subjective experience that is being, or must…

Continue ReadingReflections on Behaviorism and Society. Chapter 9: The Experimental Analysis of Behavior (A History). Quote 5