Upon Further Reflection. Chapter 2: What Is Wrong with Daily Life in the Western World? Quote 26

"When people work only to avoid losing a job, study only to avoid failure, and treat each other well only to avoid censure or institutional punishment, the threatening contingencies generalize.…

Continue ReadingUpon Further Reflection. Chapter 2: What Is Wrong with Daily Life in the Western World? Quote 26

Upon Further Reflection. Chapter 2: What Is Wrong with Daily Life in the Western World? Quote 24

"Historically [in education] the consequences have been almost always punitive: if not the birch rod or cane, then criticism or failure. The three classical by-products of punishment follow: escape (truancy),…

Continue ReadingUpon Further Reflection. Chapter 2: What Is Wrong with Daily Life in the Western World? Quote 24

Upon Further Reflection. Chapter 2: What Is Wrong with Daily Life in the Western World? Quote 22

" . . . applied behavior analysis. That term is better than behavior modification because it does not mean prescribing drugs, implanting electrodes, or performing surgery. It means improving the…

Continue ReadingUpon Further Reflection. Chapter 2: What Is Wrong with Daily Life in the Western World? Quote 22

Upon Further Reflection. Chapter 2: What Is Wrong with Daily Life in the Western World? Quote 17

"Beautiful pictures reinforce looking at them, delicious foods reinforce eating them, entertaining performances and exciting games reinforce watching them, and interesting books reinforce reading them—but nothing else is done." (p.…

Continue ReadingUpon Further Reflection. Chapter 2: What Is Wrong with Daily Life in the Western World? Quote 17

Upon Further Reflection. Chapter 2: What Is Wrong with Daily Life in the Western World? Quote 14

We escape not only the painful extremes of temperature and exhaustive work but also the mildest discomforts and annoyances. As a result, there is very little left to the strengthening…

Continue ReadingUpon Further Reflection. Chapter 2: What Is Wrong with Daily Life in the Western World? Quote 14

Upon Further Reflection. Chapter 2: What Is Wrong with Daily Life in the Western World? Quote 11

"We give heroes medals, students degrees, and famous people prizes, but those rewards are not directly contingent upon what they have done, and it is generally felt that they would…

Continue ReadingUpon Further Reflection. Chapter 2: What Is Wrong with Daily Life in the Western World? Quote 11

Upon Further Reflection. Chapter 2: What Is Wrong with Daily Life in the Western World? Quote 5

"When we feel pleased, we are not necessarily feeling a greater inclination to behave in the same way. (Indeed, when we call a reinforcer satisfying rather than pleasing, as Thorndike…

Continue ReadingUpon Further Reflection. Chapter 2: What Is Wrong with Daily Life in the Western World? Quote 5