Cumulative Record. Chapter 18: A Critique of Psychoanalytic Concepts and Theories. Quote 11

Freud’s contribution has been widely misunderstood. The important point was not that the individual was often unable to describe important aspects of his own behavior or identify important causal relationships…

Continue ReadingCumulative Record. Chapter 18: A Critique of Psychoanalytic Concepts and Theories. Quote 11

Cumulative Record. Chapter 18: A Critique of Psychoanalytic Concepts and Theories. Quote 6

By arguing that the individual organism simply reacts to its environment, rather than to some inner experience of that environment, the bifurcation of nature into physical and psychic can be…

Continue ReadingCumulative Record. Chapter 18: A Critique of Psychoanalytic Concepts and Theories. Quote 6

Cumulative Record. Chapter 18: A Critique of Psychoanalytic Concepts and Theories. Quote 4

Freud’s explanatory scheme followed a traditional pattern of looking for a cause of human behavior inside the organism. His medical training supplied him with powerful supporting analogies. (p. 287)

Continue ReadingCumulative Record. Chapter 18: A Critique of Psychoanalytic Concepts and Theories. Quote 4

Cumulative Record. Chapter 18: A Critique of Psychoanalytic Concepts and Theories. Quote 1

Freud demonstrated that many features of behavior hitherto unexplained—and often dismissed as hopelessly complex or obscure—could be shown to be the product of circumstances in the history of the individual.…

Continue ReadingCumulative Record. Chapter 18: A Critique of Psychoanalytic Concepts and Theories. Quote 1

Cumulative Record. Chapter 15: Reflections on a Decade of Teaching Machines. Quote 14

Appropriate terminal schedules of reinforcement will maintain the student’s interest, make him industrious and persevering, stimulate his curiosity, and so on; but less demanding schedules, carefully designed to maintain the…

Continue ReadingCumulative Record. Chapter 15: Reflections on a Decade of Teaching Machines. Quote 14

Cumulative Record. Chapter 15: Reflections on a Decade of Teaching Machines. Quote 11

Contrary to frequent assertions, a behavioristic formulation of human behavior is not a crude positivism which rejects mental processes because they are not accessible to the scientific public. (p. 247)

Continue ReadingCumulative Record. Chapter 15: Reflections on a Decade of Teaching Machines. Quote 11