We know that the main reason you donate is to support the B. F. SKINNER FOUNDATION’S ACTIVITIES. But there are more advantages to donating:

Featured listing on the B. F. Skinner Foundation’s website
Special recognition on Social Media
Access to selected events at no charge (admission for 2 people)
Invitation to the B. F. Skinner Foundation’s Board Reception
Special Recognition Plaque

ANNUAL DONATION $1,000 – $4,999
Mention on the B. F. Skinner Foundation’s website and Social Media
Exclusive early-bird access to all events
Invitation to a B. F. Skinner Foundation’s reception

Mention on the B. F. Skinner Foundation’s website
Exclusive early-bird access to all events
The B. F. Skinner Foundation is a charitable 501(c) (3) organization, EIN 42-1325722. Contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes.